Thursday, December 18, 2014

Are You Customer Obsessed?

Forrester's head of research made an interesting statement in its recent CIO/CMO Forum. Cliff Condon, Chief Research Officer said that "customer obsession is your only source of competitive advantage." I am curious what you think about that statement. Forrester says its now the 'age of the customer'. I agree with them, but there is definitely a lot of work to do. 
Did you know that only 18% of marketers say they have a complete view of their clients(Teradata, see the great article from CMO Lisa Arthur ).
Similarly, only 15% of companies believe they have the talent, resources, and alignment to execute on a truly digital strategy. 93% of those same companies said that they are being impacted by some form of digital disruption(Forrester)
At the same time, customers are setting the bar higher than ever before when it comes to choosing and keeping suppliers, vendors and partners. And for good measure, there are plenty of choices besides your company. The challenge is now out there in plain site and the good news is that its an open field for your organization to shoot to the head of the pack in your industry. Are you ready to compete solely on the basis of customer 'obsession'? More importantly, what does it take to succeed in the age of the customer? Here are a few key elements to chew on:
1. Define The Customer Experience - Back in the late '80's when I was in the manufacturing space, we had "the customer is always right." Well he's still right but he's evolving so fast, you had better keep up. You must create a strategy which puts the customer in the center of everything you do. From when he is just a name on a target list to a serious prospect consuming your content and the first conversation he has with your team. From the time he makes a decision to buy your solution until you deliver his final product. Then there is the ongoing development and nurturing of this relationship into a long term returning client. You gain and continue earn the customer's trust throughout. Rinse and repeat for all of your clients across all of the channels through which you sell. 
2. Use Technology To Drive It- Email platforms, CRM, social media, marketing automation, client portals, mobile automation tools, sales tools, interactive content, playbooks, predictive analytics, content management, employee advocacy platforms and even customer experience platforms. All of them yielding reams of data about your clients and prospects and designed to help you personalize their experiences, deliver valuable insights, anticipate, meet and exceed their needs.
3. Invent and Innovate: The digital disruption that companies are feeling are being driven by new inventions in addition to product and technology innovations. Aim to be the disruptor instead of the disruptee. Employee advocacy platforms and programs are becoming an integral part of turning employees loose to deliver ideas, solve problems and preach your companies gospel to the world. Develop a culture of free thinking and communicating. The companies that invent and innovate will attract and keep their customers from fleeing to a sexier or more cost effective solutions.
4. Learn and Teach: As you bring your digital and mobile capabilities to full maturity, strive for subject matter expertise in your space and teach your clients how do to the same. Your ability to provide ongoing value to your clients will determine your future in the age of the customer. At Alinean, we changed our focus and business model as our clients evolved. We invented around the iPad, mobile devices and HTML5. We changed our strategy to help clients identify issues, deliver insights, solve problems, create more effective content and ultimately bring personalized value to their customers in a compelling and engaging fashion. We are working closely with our clients to accelerate change in their organizations. What is your organization doing to be more customer obsessed? Eager for your comments!

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