When Sirius Decisions stepped forward last month to announce that a commonly held belief about buyers and sellers was not true, it got me thinking. What other falsehoods are out there?
Well, I found another one, but first let’s recap the Sirius Decisions statement. As espoused by several analyst firms, B2B buyers were thought to be anywhere from 57% to 85% complete in their decision making process before contacting sales. Forrester proclaimed that 1 million B2B salespeople would disappear because of this reality. But Sirius Decisions told us at their Summit in Nashville recently that both statements are pure bunk. Firstly, the buyer’s journey today is so disjointed that it cannot be generalized. It's a highly personalized experience and unique to each company and stakeholder. Secondly, yes, buyers are doing more online research and they are more knowledgeable, but they still need Sales. In fact the #1 piece of content requested by buyers today is a sales presentation, according to SD.
So, here is another 'fact' on which I am calling BS: 58% of pipelines consist of deals where there is a ‘no decision.’ What is a ‘no decision’ I began to ponder? Then I read this great post by Kevin Temple. Read it here: http://ow.ly/3xWelO . Taking this post one step further, the reality is that anything but a yes to move forward is a ‘no.’ It is a decision and it's No, they are not buying your product. And chances are they didn’t get back to you to tell you that, so it gets classified as a “No Decision.” But they did make a decision—and that’s not to buy. Or they got back to you to say that it’s going to be back burnered right now. That is not a ‘No Decision’, it’s really, a "NO, we are not doing this."
According to Insight Squared, "the amount of time an opportunity spends in a stage has a high correlation to its likelihood of becoming a won deal – if your opportunity has been stuck in the pipeline much longer than the typical won cycle then this opportunity is less probably to be won." In other words, get it off the street--time is not your friend ( http://ow.ly/3xWkWv ). Or pull it out of your pipeline after it's clear that it is not going to happen. Send them back to nurture.
So if 'no decision' is a myth, what's the approach?
1. Reality Check Your Pipeline: Kevin Temple says 'qualify out' which is another way of saying push for the 'no.' The onus is on sales to close and take control of the process. Ask the difficult questions, understand the process and push the tempo. Temple's research shows that sales productivity, quota attainment and selling price go up with this approach.
2. Demonstrate Why the Status Quo is Costly: At Alinean, http://ow.ly/3xWnPV , we work with many large organizations that look to tout their benefits right out of the gate. However, Neuro Marketing science tells us that buyers are more likely to move away from a pain than toward a gain. We counsel our clients to first help their prospects understand that there is an issue which needs to be solved and then to quantify the cost of doing nothing. Similarly, if you can demonstrate the pain of not moving forward with your deal, your chances are going to improve. We create interactive sales tools that help guide you through this path. As a result, Alinean customers are growing revenue on average by 25%. One of the big metrics? Dramatic decreases in "No Decisions" and more wins.
3. Close Early(before it goes to "The Committee"): Making decisions today has become more complicated than in the days before The Great Recession. Your prospects are still risk averse and frequently look for buy-in from additional stakeholders. The top sellers are removing doubt, demonstrating value and sealing the deal early, keeping the decision out of committee.

4. Build Consensus: CEB emphasizes the importance of aggressively identifying all of the members of the decision committee and then building consensus among them. This is easier said than done, and requires interactive content, financial justification and experienced sales people who are comfortable asking questions, sometimes leading the witness and connecting all of the dots.

Like Columbo on the case, Don't be afraid to ask that last question!
Much has been made of how dramatically marketing has changed over the past 2 years, yet sales has also radically changed. Successfully closing business today requires an enhanced set of tools, the ability to unearth key information, swiftly picking up the conversation from marketing and getting right to the point. So remove No Decision from your vocabulary, and instead close them or qualify them out and move on to your next deal.
Dan Sixsmith is a VP at Alinean, Inc.
He is Founder and CMO at Trammel Holdings and Chief Content Officer at "The Digital Advantage by Dan Sixsmith."
He is also co host of the weekly Podcast, This Week In Digital Marketing subscribe here: http://t.co/H6wqFueAB2